About the Author
My name is Megan, and I am your author, publisher, editor, and fashion guru here at The Chronic Window Shopper.
From the time I was able to choose my own outfits, I have always loved clothing and how it allowed me to express my every thought and emotion without having to say a word. Kids could care less about what they were wearing, as long as they can comfortably run around the play ground in it. I on the other hand, having had a father who worked in fashion most of my life, and a family that went to the mall at least once every week, was the complete opposite. I live, sleep, breathe anything and everything fashion, and have since that day.
I err on the side of caution with my shopping addiction. What does this mean you? I allow myself to add anything that catches my eye to my shopping cart (when online shopping), but rarely go through with that purchase. Why? Well for one, if I bought everything I ever put into my shopping cart I'd be homeless and have $1,000,000.00 in debt. And two, that would tip my love for shopping into a full blown addiction. And I am not a quitter.
At the beginning and end of everyday, I check my favorite stores for new arrivals. When there are no new arrivals, I search high and low until I find a new store I can peruse. Typically, unless I find something I cannot live without, I am strictly a window shopper, and thus the name of my blog - The Chronic Window Shopper.
My goal is to take my awful habit of not closing the deal on items I want, and turn it into a resource for all you shoppers out there. I will tell you when I find something particularly amazing, about the trends I love and hate, or if I have a funny shopping story that is just too good not to tell. Essentially, my hope is that this blog brings together lovers of fashion from all walks of life. And in return, helps us all to fill our closets with pieces we simply can't live without. Until next time...
The Chronic Window Shopper